Sunday, 22 June 2008


Now that Hilary Clinton has finally bowed out of the race for the Democratic candidacy in this year's US Presidential Election, I can reveal that America does still have a choice other than Barack Obama or John McCain.

This recent telecast will explain...

Thanks to my Campaign Manager, Mandy Davis, aka Diva of Deception.


  1. "Coming up from behind"?
    Can't be any worse than what happened back in the 1980's when a French comedian Coluche ran for the French presidentials!
    I'd vote for you Brian any day!

  2. I'm glad to hear this news Mr B. I think you have the necessary gravitas to stand for high office. I know you have occasional bouts of honesty but those will pass and needn't stand in your way. I for one, will vote for you !

  3. Yes, I`ll vote for you, of course!... I suppose that Mister Weeks is in your mind for vicepresident, a bit of magic is necessary...

  4. I wish you well in your campaign, Brian. And if you happen to miss out in the States, I'd certainly be happy to spearhead your campaign in Scotland if you decide to enter politics in the UK.
    Presumably David would be your Campaign Manager and Buttons the 'spin doctor'.
    Vote for Brian Sibley,Unparty Leader!

  5. Thank you all for your support - I'm sure we're already home and dry........ And when I say 'DRY', that is, of course, a dry WHITE please --- LARGE!

  6. I was absolutely falling for that, until the bus went past and the tracking was slightly off so the name shimmered a bit. I'm obviously not getting enough sleep and fresh veg.

    Still, where is it we go and vote again?

  7. You have kept your promise about giving up those strange, multicoloured drinks and the funny tobacco, haven't you? ;-)

  8. I don't care which party Brian is standing for just so long as there is a PARTY!

  9. So how about organizing a "Libs for Sibs" campaign?
