Saturday 20 September 2008


There's a line in the introduction to the song 'When I See An Elephant Fly' in the film Dumbo when the Crows are discussing the possibility of pachyderm-flight...

Did you ever see an elephant fly?
Well I've seen a horse fly...
I've seen a dragon fly...
I've seen a house fly...
And so on...

Well, I've seen a HORSE fly!

Here it is... Flying...

Now, whatever you may think, this is not a trick photograph. I snapped it myself and it is completely genuine and untampered with: the animal in the picture really is in the sky...

Obviously it's not Pegasus -- or you'd see the wings! So, who can explain this mystery?

All answers, suggestions, solutions gratefully received; though I may hold publications of submissions to give everyone a chance...

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