Thursday, 27 November 2008


To all my American readers


For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Post Script: LISAH asks (see comments below), "Does anyone know why Thanksgiving is held on a Thursday?" The answer is a little on the long side, but you'll find it on the website of The Belcher Foundation.

Any American readers (with time to kill while the turkey roasts - or digests!) are welcome to add to our sum total of knowledge on this Thursday holiday-thing which, to me, just seems like an excuse for an extra-long weekend!

Main image: © Norman Rockwell


  1. It always amazes me that Americans, having made merry with the turkey at Thanksgiving, are able to do it all again a month later with as much enthusiasm. If it was us English, we'd still be eating the leftovers in sandwiches !

    ATIOUSTF : A plate of Christmas leftovers, half consumed on Boxing Day that has suddenly lost any lingering appeal the moment the 'Great Escape' closing credits have finished.

  2. That's what happened, you see, all the Brits with really hearty appetites left on the Mayflower...

  3. Turkey sandwiches, turkey salad, turkey curry - beurk! I was always amazed at the size of the turkey my mum always struggled with every year. WHY? WHY? WHY?

    daygo: a new kind of temp worker... from Barcelona...

  4. Does anyone know why Thanksgiving is held on a Thursday?
    As a non-Christian I always used to enjoy the office restaurant's Christmas meals with all the trimmings.
    astrap - short for a strapping great turkey big enough to last for a month.

  5. SUZANNE - Would you really want to disappoint all those turkeys? What would they have left to live for...?

    [Whilst your definition for 'daygo' is off-topic, it is very good!]

    LISAH- It is a LONG story, see the footnote that I've added to original post.

    [I assume 'astrap' is Australian slang?]

  6. A 'little' on the long side!!!!
    I'm sorry I asked now and not much the wiser.

  7. LISAH - Frankly, I am dismayed by your ingratitude! After all, this is supposed to be a day for giving THANKS!


    Actually, I suppose the explanation had to be long-winded since it emanates from the Belcher Foundation.

  9. OK here is what the History Channel says
    "President Abraham Lincoln, looking for ways to unite the nation, discussed the subject with Hale. In 1863 he gave his Thanksgiving Proclamation, declaring the last Thursday in November a day of thanksgiving.

    In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt, seeking to lengthen the Christmas shopping season, proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. Controversy followed, and Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November, where it remains."

    Apparently an earlier governor of Massachusetts had established Thursday as the day. Doesn't say why...

  10. LISAH - That's a gas!

    CHRIS - Thanks for the extra knowledge, although it seems about as arbitrary as designating 25 December as the birthday of Jesus Christ...

  11. Well it was my first attempt... and I did miss the start of this thing!
    MANEXP: an idea thought up by men, to be understood only by men, with no logic behind it, like putting thanksgiving on a Thursday!

  12. Bravo, Suzanne! Boll will be proud of you!
