Thursday, 29 October 2009


Talking about dancing...

As anyone who has ever visited our Greek island of choice - Kalymnos - will know we are habitués of George and Irene Glinatsi's taverna, Artistico.

And, as I've mentioned before, Artistico is a place where people contribute to the entertainment on an often nightly basis. Regular visitors who play guitar will bring their own instrument (or borrow one of George's) and will play - sometimes solos, sometimes duets, sometimes something Greek, sometimes something from their own musical culture.

Then there's also our good friend Roger who brings his kazoo and spoons and has been known to play both - simultaneously! But it's OK, he's not there year all year round! Sorry, Roger, only joking!

And, as usually happens in Greece when music is played, people dance!

Even I - in those now far off years when I was fitter and suppler - was occasionally known to take to the floor: memorably on one occasion (and I fear that there may be photos somewhere to prove it) engaging in a faux-fandango with Irene while wearing (don't ask why; ouzo can make a man do ludicrous things!) an outsize Pint-of-Guinness-hat... But, again, don't worry: I'm not there all round either!

David normally restricts himself to his regular magic performances, but maybe once a year - and this year it was on our Last Night - he will also trip the light fantastic. And when he does, it is an experience not to be missed!

So, here's David's singular interpretation of a traditional Greek dance with a little assistance/encouragement from George Glinatsi.

My thanks to David for permission to blog this and I hope that it brings a smile to your day!

Once again, in the interests of the Kalymnian Tourist Industry, David isn't at Artistico all year round!

Happily for me, however, I've had him around for 365 days a year, for almost two decades!


  1. I just love David's dancing style, and I am in awe of his footwork. Staying on one's feet while dancing like that must be a challenge! (I was reminded of one occasion -- lamentably memorable -- dancing at a nightclub after only a glass or two of wine. Unfortunately the floor was black and white tile, which made me rather dizzy. Yes, I fell. On the dance floor. Splat. Embarrassed myself, and my dancing partner. I wonder why he never asked me out to a nightclub again??? )

    George is a brave soul to kneel for those foot-over-the-head maneuvers.

    Well done, David!

    (And congrats, you two, on nearly two decades. That is wonderful.)

  2. Great! It's obviously Strictly next for David - his routine was just that little bit longer than the usual Strictly Saturday evening performance! Who shall we pair him off with?reignoss (I kid you knot!): Greek custom of slightly inebriated customers taking over the entertainment at restaurants & tavernas!

  3. I really should wait until I'm fully awake before commenting on your blog! "I kid you knot"?!?! Still, I'm sure it in turn brought a smile to your face!andoch: the Greek work for splat

  4. Not that the last two comment-leavers were implying it, I'm sure, but the astonishing thing about David's performance was that it was not fueled by alcohol which, I think, makes it all the more remarkable! I mean to be able to that sober...

  5. "Kid-you-knot": A game for Greek children available from Goats-R-Us!

  6. Fantastic this version of the sirtaki, well done David.

    But is a pity that I can`t watch mister Sibley with his fandango, are you sure you don't have any testimony, movie or photo?

  7. My fandango...? Certainly (and fortunately) no moving images!

    Photos...? Yes, well I am paying someone a lot of money not to exhibit them!

  8. I think David has found his other true vocation in life!
    Would love to see him dressed up in the costume the elite Greek soldiers wear - though with those long pom-pom shoes, dancing would be suicidal.

  9. GILL e-mails...

    "I am deeply impressed with David's limberness! Just one question, why is George wearing a tea towel on his head? Is this so he can more realistically take the female kneeling role?

    "Also, if David is brave enough to let you post this clip then surely it would be only just for the photographs of your fandango to be published?! Come on! Be brave!"

    The truth is I don't have it, I lost my entire photo archive six months ago when my back-up crashed... But David may have it somewhere and if he can find it, you can all see it...

  10. That certainly lifted my mood! Thanks!

  11. Two decades....and he doesn't look any older !

  12. True! But you see what the portrait in the attic looks like now!! ;-)

  13. Didn't mean to imply anything about David's state of inebriation or ebriation! My experience was of the ineb variety, however. ;-)

    I'm only back because I believe you have been known to do a meme or two in your past, and I'm trying to get people to contribute to questions for a blog-friend's meme-of-sorts, because I WANNA DO THE MEME! See my latest post...

  14. Thanks, Brian! (Wende said in her reply to your comment that she was honored by your presence... as well she should be! You're super!)

    WELEX -- When one of your wellies sticks in the mud, and try as you might, you can't get it out, and you step forward and it stays and your foot lands in the mud, and your wellie snickers at you with sort of a splodging noise.

  15. You, and she, are welcome... If Wende uses my question, I'll be intrigued to read people's answers!

  16. re your Question on Wende's site -

    If you could take a real life holiday to a totally fictional location, where would you go and what would you bring back with you as a souvenir of Your visit?

    My answer would be Meryl Streep's place on that idyllic Greek Island and I'd bring back a really good tan and one of the male leads.

  17. Hopefully, for your sake, not the gay one!! ;-)

  18. I think I'd settle for a gay Colin Firth - he was so sweet in the film (and his singing wasn't bad either).

  19. Mega agility & artistry! Such a flair for dance deserves pair of tap shoes in Mr.W's Christmas stocking perhaps?

    Mallyo: Loud cheer during exuberant dancing.

  20. Well done, David - what a relief to know that such a masterly performance has not been lost to posterity. It's Greek dancing, Jim - but not as we know it!

    Wobbill: the after-effects of watching or participating in an awe-inspiring performance at the Artistico Taverna
