Saturday 31 October 2009


And here, courtesy of Tim Burton, are Jack Skellington's friends and compatriots to wish you all...



  1. GILL e-mailed...

    "I am obviously the biggest wimp in the world, the film clip gave me the spooks [and I have seen the film!] and I had to go back and watch David dance again to make myself feel better.

    "This may have something to do with being in a Victorian house on my own for Halloween and being horribly suggestible!"

    Sorry, Gill... I'm alone in another Victorian house and sending you reassuring vibes!

  2. Sorry to rain on anybody's parade, but I absolutely hate halloween! I'm always alone (albeit in a more modern house) and I just get annoyed at kids ringing and begging for sweets!I suppose I'm the scrooge of Halloween!conds: special rotten sweets given out by other people like me (not that I do that!)

  3. I remember your dislike of Hallowe'en (from earlier e'ens postings, as it were) and I sympathize.

    But, of course, like Christmas and Easter, the modern 'celebration' of Hallowe'en is a long way from its origins which are, anthropologically speaking, truly fascinating.

    We would need to be in Mexico today and tomorrow (All Saints Day and All Souls Day) to understand the spiritual and social significance of El Día de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) and the preparations that lead to that festivity and which still finds echoes (albeit so feint as to be almost imperceptible) in the concept of All Hallow's Eve...

    Actually, I think dishing out nasty sweets is probably OK! You'd need a good supply of Bertie Botts' Every Flavour Beans - preferably the bogey and vomit flavoured ones!

  4. Strictly speaking, today 1st November is All Saints' Day and tomorrow, 2nd November is All Souls Day - El Dia de los Muertos! Sorry to go all pedantic on you... as well as repetitive! Alzheimer seems to be looming!scoetil: an ancient Celtic word for trick-&-treating

  5. That's what I meant or thought I did... But, like you, I seem to be increasingly cursed (or, perhaps, blessed) by St Alzheimer!

  6. I never got the point of Halloween I'm afraid. I was going to say I'd only ever been to one Halloween party, years back out in LA, but then I remembered an animation boat party down the Thames way back when. So that would be.... er, two. In *cough* many years.

    And in fact I only got to see the 'classic' John Carpenter film for the first time yesterday. As for The Nightmare Before Christmas, surely a lot of credit is due to the great Henry Selick as well?

  7. ALL credit to Henry Selick! The original story (poem) and sketches were Mr Burton's work but the brilliant animation was entirely down to Mr S.
