Friday, 1 January 2010


Well, it's here and I'm hoping your NEW YEAR will have at least a bit of FIZZ! BANG! and SPARKLE! to it...


  1. Magnificent fireworks! Thank you! Still 2 1/2 hours 'til the fireworks here (I shall amuse myself with Victor/Victoria until then).

    May you know the best of everything in 2010, and may all things work together for good for you.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year to yourself and David and everyone out there !

    Helyin: That part of New Years Day before you realise it's only a bank holiday and you will have to return to the job and life you had last year eventually.

  3. yes, Boll is correct. Totally lost track of time/dates over the holidays. Went for Saturday's papers today."No supplements then?" I asked. "No,because it's Friday!" Yea,a day in credit, it's all an illusion!
    PUPKZ: a childish mistake

  4. They sure know what to do with gunpowder and sky.

    Happy New Year to both you and David.

  5. Happy New Year one and all!

    GOOD DOG, this was, of course, just a couple of minutes of a 15 minute explosion!

  6. A very happy New Year to you and yours Brian! I hope it's all you hope it to be :)
