Four times married (only a very small prize for guessing why), the most quotable quote from the interview was as follows...
"The trouble with MEN is they come
with droppings: the detritus of bloke!"
with droppings: the detritus of bloke!"

Still, it was reassuring (possibly) that - when it came to saying which one of her eight records she would take is she were only allowed one - she plumped for the Pet Shop Boys singing 'You Were Always on My Mind' rather than the mad scene from Lucia Di Lammermoor!
The Street-Porter portrait above is the work of the brilliant John Jensen from The Book of British Battleaxes by Christine Hamilton.
Visit John's website and explore his illustrations, cartoons and caricatures via the drop-down menu. And, for the benefit of overseas readers (and juveniles), here's the low-down on the unsinkable Ms Street-Porter from, as it were, the horse's mouth!
Image: © John Jensen 1997
I captured a lovely quote from a sitcom a few years ago that I've put up on the wall in my loo : "Men are like toilets: vacant, engaged, or full of crap".
VULLIESS: the gratuitous putting down of men by women, generally with a reference to toilets.
If there's room on your notice Suzanne, you could have add "..and frequently peed on by women ! "
Slorosy : Ostensibly a simple joke that is really a way of getting at someone whilst pretending to be jocular.
Oh, oh... The Gender War has been engaged, I see!!
Great illustrations.
Vive la difference!
CALINGO: The different languages that men and women speak
more fuel to the fire- women are like are like..
Fascinating glimpses of the vulnerable side of JSP in that interview yet she's also as indefatigable as Christine Hamilton!
DUMBUTO: someone who uses the loo & then realises there is no paper.OH!
now it"s JUSHAP-guess that's what you say after Dumbuto. Try again
I love the drawing. Thanks for introducing Jensen, I particularly like his picture of Samuel Beckett. That's one face that was born for caricatures!
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