For those who have, so far escaped this piece of seasonal nonsense, the exquisite Miss Keith plays Cynthia Bracegirdle, the hapless recipient of those bizarre gifts doled out by an admiring lover on the first (and subsequent eleven) days of Christmas.
You can read the full text of the Bracegirdle letters on my website, Brian Sibley: The Works.
And in answer to questions raised in today's comments (below) here's all you need to know about BBC Radio 7; what you need to know about how to listen to Radio 7; the current 'What's On' page for Drama and how to listen again on-line via BBC iPlayer (And Yet Another Partridge... will be listed on this page following its first transmission and for the following seven days until 21 December)
Any link to listen to this on the internet?
boning: the showering of ridiculously expensive and voluminous gifts by a man to woo a woman
Well that should bring some worthy Festive cheer - and relief from all those awful adverts on TV at the moment that are repeated ad nauseum (literally if I hear 'It's beginning to look like Christmas many more times).
It just shows how out of touch I am with radio though, that I didn't know there was a BBC 7 radio channel.
Etionsc: The science of providing truly amusing and intelligent entertainment for Christmas.
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