Well, he is clearly not - as readers of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince might suppose - Professor Albus Dumbledore!
But no! This time Harry's mentor is that other white-haired movie-wizard, last seen (allegedly) heading for the Grey Havens --- Gandalf...

If you doubt me, just bring them face to face and you'll see I'm right!
DON'T FORGET: Tomorrow is the closing date for entries to the current Caption Competition!
Ian McKellen and Michael Gambon are really twins and we didn't know it?
I think it is perhaps a case of Dumbeldore realising that he isn't quite the high impact figure Gandalf was and having, on purpose, a bad hair day so that he will be mistaken for him.
Clearly Harry P. was watching a DVD of LOTR for inspiration at the time this picture was taken.
LISAH - You might be right: with either of your theories...
PHIL - Yep, that could well be it: the Siege of Minas Tirith, I think, from the extended edition of The Return of the King...
Personally, I think he'd be better advised to get on with his Defence Against the Dark Arts homework!
"Clearly Harry P. was watching a DVD of LOTR for inspiration at the time this picture was taken"
Might explain why he looks so bored.
Ah, yes, that would be the fourth film, BORED of the Rings...
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