Thursday 5 November 2009


Not an ideal shop for Long John Silver...

Image: David Weeks


SharonM said...

At first I thought you were referring to the guy walking past on crutches!

Actually, I've long fancied the idea of having an 'unmatching' day - wearing odd socks, shoes, earrings - but I wouldn't be surprised if it already exists.

Suzanne said...

Yes, SharonM - my daughters went through a phase of wearing odd socks on purpose! and my eldest often mismatches her earrings - in style and in number! I don't think she's gone as far as shoes yet!I thought that was the whole idea of shoe shops: buy one shoe get the other shoe free!vascolle: a collector of empty shoe boxes

Brian Sibley said...

Actually, SHARON M, I was referring to the guy with crutches! He was, I learned later, getting into character for the local am-dram panto version of Treasure Island - wasn't that an odd coincidence? :-)

I think they meant buy one pair get one (pair) free. Which is a great offer for anyone who likes mis-matching their footwear, because you could end up with two pairs of brown-and-black shoes!

I'm going to stop now because I'm being rather silly....

Boll Weavil said...

Rowan Atkinson, thirty years ago, starred in a sketch showing a group of one-legged men who banded together to make a daring raid on a shoe shop that, as was customary, just put one shoe from each pair on display, to discourage theft.
Going back to your picture, think how many centipedes will be attracted as they seek to halve their footwear bill.
Oh Long John says in 'Devil's Treasure' "What a wonderful thing it is to be young and have ten toes"
CONCED : The person who,along with you,has gone home with a shoe box containing two mis-matched shoes