Saturday 5 June 2010


With every day I live, I become increasingly aware of just how little I know. This could easily be a depressingly negative realisation, but I prefer to look upon it as a constantly renewable potential for discovery. The discoveries tend not to be momentous but small and rather particular and I savour (rather than regretting) finding out things that I never learned or, because of the constant rat-raciness of life, simply missed...

For example, we were having dinner in our local pub the other evening when my ears tuned into the background musak, drawn to a curiously haunting voice that sounded as though it ought to be familiar, but which wasn't.

Enquiries revealed that it was Russian-born composer, musician and singer Regina Spektor, who - I now know - has been making music that has caught people's imagination for the past nine years but of whom I was unaware.

Never mind, better late than never (as we should all keep telling ourselves till we let go of that the last-ever breath) and I'm now a confirmed Spektor fan. You probably already know her songs by heart, but if it just so happens that don't, then let me introduce you...

This is Regina Spektor and Samson...


Galen Fott said...

Yes, yes, yes. Regina Spektor is the real deal. I don't really keep up with popular music these days, but Spektor caught my ear too a couple of years ago, and I quickly came to own everything she has recorded. "Soviet Kitsch" is probably still my favorite album of hers, but the first five bonus tracks on "Begin to Hope" are each more brilliant than the next. She's a modern day Jacques Brel, except infinitely weirder (and prettier).

She's great in concert too!

Okay, I'll stop gushing.

Galen Fott said...

PS: A great CBS Sunday Morning profile on Spektor:

Suzanne said...

Imagine how incredibly boring life would be if you did know everything? If there was nothing left for you to learn or discover?
And I've never heard of Spektor either!

Brian Sibley said...

Thanks, GALEN! The profile is fascinating and very revealing. I'm really glad to have discovered RS - and now know more about her.

SUZANNE - You're right, but it's good to get confirmation of it on a regular basis: just to keep the old antennae twitching!

Bill Field said...

I find her very Kate Bush-like, and I love Kate Bush! I had never heard of her before your post. She has 14 videos on YouTube- a really broad style range, too- she is much more original- in spite of my comparisons- than the vast majority of her contemporaries. Once more, Sir Brian, you have introduced your readers to a really unique and special artist. Thanks, my friend!

Brian Sibley said...

BILL FIELD - You're very welcome. I'm glad I chanced on Ms Spektor and so was able to spread the word!

Roger O B... said...

So you heard her during a meal at the pub. Does that mean she was the Spektor at the feast?
Don't worry, we leave for Greece on Tuesday!
BIONESS:The genetically inbuilt urge to make weak puns.

Brian Sibley said...

Funny you should say that, ROGER, because that was my first title for the post before changing it to 'Inn-Spektor' and then deciding that was equally likely to give rise to a chorus of groans from readers. Guess I was right!! ;)

Have a great trip to Greece give my love to the ruins...

Geno said...

I really like this! Thanks for hooking us all up.

Brian Sibley said...

Pleasure, GENO!

Carl V. Anderson said...

Her music is hauntingly beautiful. I too discovered her after she was more well known, but I don't feel bad, I'm glad to have discovered her at all!

Brian Sibley said...

Me, too, CARL!