Well, I wouldn't mind (who
would?), but while I'm waiting for that winning Lotto ticket to come up trumps, I'm content with the fact that - as of a couple of visitors ago - the Sibley blog had ratcheted up
a quarter of a million hits....

So, here's to the next 749,998!
Congratulations, a milestone to be sure. Keep up the good work, I can't tell you how much I've learned from reading your blog. And its quite entertaining to boot!
A quarter of a million!! That's a big number, Brian. Congratulations. Your regular blogging is an inspiration to the rest of us lesser bloggers!
Thanks, guys!
Not sure what you've learned, Matt, but whatever it was, I apologise for it unreservedly!
As the mathematician among my friends, it was you, Rob, who pointed out that I was heading for my first quarter-million a few months back -- I've been frantically visiting my own blog every available minute since in order to reach the magic number!! ;-)
So you are now heading towards the 500,000 mark - congratulations!
Well that's another four years off at this rate, so we won't hold our breath!
Most of those were me Brian. I'm quite keen :-)
I might have known!! ;)
And me!
Being a computer dweeb, I feel compelled to ask for more information. What exactly is this counter? The total, cumulative number since the first post? Regardless, it's a good number and worthy of congratulations!
Yes, Doug (nice to have you drop by again, it's been too long): the cumulative hits since I began the blog.
Thank you, Brain! Uh, Brian. I'm still here, near Boston, which I guess is "there" from your vantage point. It's funny to me that John Cleese favors -- favours? -- America and California so much, because for about five years, when I was visiting England on business, I loved it there. For a while, there was a rumor -- rumour? -- at the office that my employer would open a London office, and I said I'd be first in line if it ever happened. Alas, it didn't.
You are, I feel, an Honorary Brit. Any American who has lobbied for Pet Clark to be made a Dame of the British Empire is truly one of us! I follow your blog and love the 'Englishness' of so many of your topics.
Next time you make it over here let's meet for afternoon tea, shall we? I cannot think of a more appropriate invitation extend to someone who hails from Boston!
One of my favourite exchanges in Mary Poppins is the following...
Mr Dawes Jr: In 1773, an official of this bank unwisely loaned a large sum of money to finance a shipment of tea to the American colonies. Do you know what happened?
George Banks: Yes, sir. Yes, I think I do. As the ship lay anchored in Boston Harbor, a party of the colonists dressed as red Indians boarded the vessel, behaved very rudely, and threw all the tea overboard. This made the tea unsuitable for drinking. Even for Americans.
Thank you for the honour of the invite, Brian! In Revolutionary times I would undoubtedly have been a Loyalist. Next month I hope to be taking tea in New York with British-born Prudence Bury-Fuchs, who is now a resident of France.
Remember: Earl Grey with lemon NOT milk and keep the little finger crooked as you raise the cup! ;)
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