And then discovering that my quoted quote was all about dying....

Prompted by a question from Steven Hartley (see 'Thoughts' below), I tracked down the quote to this very blog: in fact my fifth-ever posting, back in 2006. To read the whole post – and make sense of the 'quote' – CLICK HERE. What's more, you'll also find a far more entertaining quote from an interview I had with Terry Pratchett!
What a great quote ! I think I'll use it to illustrate my module assignment on depression ! Oh, that's not really a compliment is it....
Actually, to a depressive, it probably is...
What is the quote about dying meant to mean?
Good question, Steven! For a sort of answer: see the addition to the original posting.
To any depressive, I say, go find yourself a good hypnoanalysis practicioner. 6-10 sessions and your sorted !
Brian, I know that is is really off-topic; but today is the 73rd anniversary of the Dandy comic; and I've written an article on my blog celebrating and like I've written one about the Beano, I've done one on the Dandy and I've scanned pages of some Desperate Dan comics - just thought you'd be interested!
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