According to breaking news, the proposals announced by the European Union, which will come into place in April 2012 include the dropping of the 12 Royal cards (Kings, Queens and Jacks) from all packs of cards manufactured within the EU in order to reflect the fact that there are more republics than monarchies among members states.
The familiar suits of Clubs Diamonds, Hearts and Spades would be joined by a new suit, Stars (see specimen pack above) making up the new 'metric' pack of 50, as opposed to the traditional 52, cards.
I understand that The Magic Circle is, apparently, planning to mount a legal challenge to these proposals. A spokesperson said: "We are very concerned by these news rules... The standard pack of 52 cards embodies a long legacy of cultural and magical history. Frankly, many of our members are hoping to make these new rules disappear."
For more on this story and the response of the world's premiere magic club, visit the website of The Magic Circle.
I very nearly reacted indignantly to this piece of news. But, despite the ridiculously early hour (6 am!) I suddenly realised what date it is today!
Nice one Brian! How many of your fans will fall for this?
Good try, Brian!
Did you forget to say, "April Fool!" ?
This is going to make my games of Patience rather tricky - and how can one get a Double Bezique without the Queen of Spades & Jack of Diamonds?
I assume the new packs will be on sale on 1st April next year - unless the Magic Circle is successful in its lobbying ...
It's an outrage! How dare they interfere with the tools of the magician's trade.
I'm marking their card.
(Subtly, of course)
I must get Sheila a pack for her playing card collection but first I must report to the BTO about the ostrich on our bird feeder
DESIE: what Mr O'Connor's friends call him
GILL e-mails to say...
"And Happy April Fool's Day to you too!!"
Dear All,
For one minute I thought it was a real Euro-silliness (good description) and for a minute I was going to asked you what could happen with the spanish cards... but only for a minute. Good try Brian, very original.
The Magic Circle press release is excellent - did you write that too?
Eudora – Glad you almost believed it!
Sheila – I had a passing hand in it, but it was the idea of my friend (and fellow Magic Circle councillor) James Freedman who also wrote the original draft. The artwork was by another of our colleague at TMC, Martyn Rowland.
just came across your blog by accident - I was talking about paulette goddard to my friends . ( love her ) and then started reading your article about playing cards . you suckered me ( and its April 5th today )well done .
Not sure what Ms Goddard's got to do with it (though I agree she's a doll!) but I'm glad to have momentarily fooled you! Thanks for the visit. Pop over to my Decidedly Disney blog some time.
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