The other day in Bury Street, Mayfair, two posh cars were parked one behind the other. There was this Jaguar...
For what remains unsure - suggestions, please!
The other vehicle was a Bentley bearing the number-plate...

Maybe the choice of 'ANON' derives from the definition 'straight away; at once'. Otherwise it must be an abbreviation of 'anonymous', which would, surely, be just a tad self-consciously pretentious...?
Photos: David Weeks
I think that's a 4 (text shorthand for FOR), not an A, so one's FOR IT and one's FOR NON or possibly FOR NONE. It's still not a terribly pithy pair of plates, but I believe they're meant to be a set and we're meant to think it's clever.
Ah... Interesting! I know that '4's are often used as 'A's on personalised plates, so I naturally read ANON. Whatever the intention, the result is, as you suggest, more than a bit ANNOYING!
A different pair of number plates which are often strategically parked; 2 BE and NOT 2B.
Yes, indeed, 'Reg', and they are shown here.
I think the pimlico plumbers private plates are quite hilarious. My own one is my first initial,my date of birth and the first initials of my sister,my mother and my late father.
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