It was this posting about P L Travers and Mary Poppins that won me a place on the list of 93 nominations chosen by librarians from a pool of over 2,300 submissions!

Having been nominated, it is now up to the voters to decide which of those 100 blogs is the MOST Fascinating – which includes, of course, my beloved blog readers!
I'd love you to read my post and - supposing you find it even the teensyist bit fascinating – consider casting your vote on behalf of the Practically Perfect Miss Poppins, her creator and this hopeful old blogger!

Let me express my gratitude to all my readers who voted for this blog in the recent Most Fascinating Blog awards.
Although it didn't win, my nominated posting earned Ex Libris 10th place out of the 93 blogs that were in the running for the award.
So many thanks to all those readers who voted.
It looks like you can only vote once - which is very fair!
Hope you win.
I discovered the link in your sidebar and voted yesterday before you'd even posted this!
I think your post title today should get an award of its own. Absobloominglutely.
Good Luck! :-)
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