Avast and belay, ye swabs! You'll forgive the Robert Newton vernacular, me hearties, but I'm currently writing a book about the making of Aardman's The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists – or, as they be calling it in our former colony on the other side of the Atlantic, The Pirates! Band of Misfits.
It be hungry work, scribing, and tiring of the usual ration of ship's biscuits (them weevils be so indigestible, even when dunked in ye finest rum) I have decided that I needs a few of these little beauties to chomp on while scratching away with me quill...

Ye'll find other unusual edibles at Ye Unemployed Philosophers Guild.
And listen up, ye cursed land-lubbers, if so be it ye have not yet seen The Pirates! then be sure to catch it while you can or face the wrath of the Pirate Captain and a watery assignation with Davey Jones...
And listen up, ye cursed land-lubbers, if so be it ye have not yet seen The Pirates! then be sure to catch it while you can or face the wrath of the Pirate Captain and a watery assignation with Davey Jones...
Me thinks you've been drinking the sea water again, Matey!
How dare you declare me indigestible !
Avast me fine Brian! T'would seem that our SharonM is casting aspersions suggesting that it were a very different sort of barrr that you were arrrring in... Were it?
*adjusts shoulder-parrot, limps off, stage right*
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