What, I asked, might Jimmy Stewart be saying in this scene from one of his all-time great movie-performances as George Bailey in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life...
What he's actually saying in the film is----- But, no! You don't really want to know about that, what you want to know is who won!!

There were so many ingenious offerings that it has, in fact, been very hard to choose a winner...
Several interesting themes emerged: for example, Ryan Rasmussen suggested...
"The stylish yogi always performs Warrior II with flair."
While Good Dog came up with...
"Hiiiiiii-Yah! Ooooh, well, I guess I do know kung fu."
There were also a clever magical caption from a friend in The Magic Circle:
Mark Lee proposed...
"I can only back palm one card with my left hand but I can palm two complete decks of cards now I've had that wonderful new right hand enlargement surgery."
There were Sibley-blog-specific captions such as one of Boll Weavil's entries...
"Alright you lot, there's room for everyone to see the Sibley Greece holiday picture collection. Just step this way!"
While LisaH (saucepot that she is!), came up with (as it were!) the following...
"I was snorkelling when David was posing for those photos for Brian and honestly, it was this big!"
While we're on the theme of predictable smuttiness (and you know how I abhor such things!) Chris submitted...
"Well, uh, yeah, size does matter."
And Boll Weavil lived up (or down) to expectations with...
"You want to know why I look like this? Well it was THIS big!"
Anyway, turning our back on the Carry On Captioning fraternity, there was David Weeks' amusing submission...
" . . .and these fingers are stuck too."
While Gill offered a caption which, she rightly says 'only older bloggers will understand'...
"And I had to stand like this all evening while she wound her b***y wool."
Still, Gill, there are quite a few of us older bloggers, so that's OK...
Boll Weavil was as ingenious and prolific as ever with (in addition to captions already cited) the following lines...
"So, I said I had heartburn - they gave me a lousy tablet and stuck me on traffic duty."
"Hey - come and get your money! The English Prime Minister, he say YES!"
"Speak to the hand baby, 'cos the face ain't listening!"
"Somebody ruins my Mr Botibol impersonation again."
"Keep your eyes on the screen - this one's a rabbit."
Mention of a rabbit brings me to our joint second-place winners who cleverly referenced, in one case, an alternative famous Jimmy Stewart film and, in the other, managed a one-line summary of the plot of It's a Wonderful Life.
Joint Second Place Caption
Joint Second Place Caption
"I'm telling you, Harvey, you're getting much too fat for me to carry you around like this for much longer... and, no, I will not kiss you again!"
Joint Second Place Caption
Joint Second Place Caption
"Palm reading without my specs is quite difficult - no, now I can see it: 'A bad situation will turn out OK in the end when friends help'."
But the winner is, yet again, the indefatigable BOLL WEAVIL with this caption which wins for its simplicity and topicality...
"Northern Rock queue this way."
Thank you all for taking part and for giving me so many smiles and laughs...
1 comment:
I remember winding wool like that, and I didn't think I was that old! But then again, I have been to toy museums where some of the exhibits were toys that I remember playing with! Oh dear!
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