As I mentioned recently, we had a bumper crop of entries with several people attempting to spoil the same movie, book or play. Titanic was not surprisingly a favorite subject since as SUZANNE remarked, "the title in itself is a 'Toscadies'!"
Another target was Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. After all, as ANDY wrote:
You could spoil just about any murder mystery by saying, "You see that guy at the back, the one who has virtually no lines to say but keeps appearing throughout this film.............well........"
Anyway, back to results...
Editor's picks include: 'Bill is Gerald', 'He never comes' and 'It was Dad all the time...' but JON and AKIKO, having waded through the forty-five submissions, have chosen the following winners...
They all chip in and raise enough money to pay off the loans

It's a Wonderful Life
They all chip in and raise enough money to pay off the loans

It's a Wonderful Life
At which point - in order to help the tension mounting, I must tell you that IRASCIBLE IAN recalls being Toscadied over this very film:
I was watching the trailer for The Sixth Sense where Bruce Willis is visiting Haley Joel Osment in hospital.
Haley Joel Osment: “I see dead people.”
My 'friend': “Yeah. And he’s seeing one right now.”
Oh dear...
And so we come to (Ta-da!) ----
Well done to the winners! And grateful thanks to everyone who entered and especially to Jon and Akiko who started this and did the judging!
(By the way, I have to tell you that Akiko says that she only told Jonathan that "Tosca dies", because he asked what the opera was about! Typical man! Asks a question and then complains when he's told the answer!)
The solutions to all the runner-up entries are listed below...
Rocky wins Rocky 1-27 (!)
Er… the butler did it The Mousetrap
(The butler didn't do it, but we've told not to tell anyone how it ends!)
He gets off with her Romeo and Juliet
It sinks Titanic
He finds it Indiana Jones 1-4
Cosette ends up an orphan... but happy Les Misérables
FU gets the bullet House of Cards: To Play the King
Jack sinks without trace Titanic
I think the monolith wins 2001: A Space Odyssey
The deer's mother gets killed Bambi
The bear doesn't really die The Jungle Book
The elephant flies Dumbo
She spots it's a Wolf and not her Granny Little Red Riding Hood
‘Rosebud’ is the name of boyhood sledge Citizen Kane
…and on the third day he rises from the dead. Then later he ascends into heaven
The Gospels/The Greatest Story Ever Told etc
Tiny Tim survives A Christmas Carol
He kills the king and then dies too Hamlet
He thinks she's a dead, she think he's dead - they both die anyway Romeo and Juliet
One Mac born via Cesarean section so he kills the other Mac Mac... I mean, The Scottish Play
It was dad all the time! Star Wars
Wanted more, got more - got more than he bargained for! Then got what he wanted and lived happily ever after Oliver Twist/Oliver!
They wed, they wed, they wed, he dies, they wed.... Four Weddings and a Funeral
R.I.P. the young ones Romeo and Juliet
He never comes Waiting for Godot
He’s dead, too The Sixth Sense (once more)
The copper did it (Sorry, we really can't tell you this one!)
Look! They’re both fighting left-handed! The Princess Bride
Messalamashed Ben Hur
The Monster Makes Out Young Frankenstein
Rodrighost El Cid
Edward G joins the food chain Soylent Green
You know it's just a remake of Jekyll and Hyde? Fight Club
At least the Amish admit there is an outside world The Village
The voice-over has a sting in its tail Kind Hearts and Coronets
Even the conservative dad ends up in a frock! La Cage Au Folles
‘Rosebud’ is the sled Citizen Kane (again!)
Bill is Gerald Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy ('Gerald' was the code name for the mole)
Mattie gets chucked The House of Cards
Carmen croaks Carmen (Obviously!)
Fosco is foiled The Woman in White
Will’s Dad is crusty Pirates of the Caribbean II
Almost all of them are dead The Others
My own favourite was picked as the winner - good choice and, as usual, a great standard all through.As always,your competitions just leave me waiting for the next one !
Where's the giant 'Spoilers' warning!
I wonder how many people worked out the truth about Bruce Willis' character early on in Sixth Sense. It was so well done that it certainly came as a surprise to me.
Btw - should be The Final Cut for FU gets the bullet - he was too busy killing off others in HOC and TPTK.
Of course, now that the comp's over, I can think of other Toscadies - typical!
And then, there are other title-contained Toscadies : Death of a Salesman, Death in Venice, Shootout at the OK Corral...
But my head is so full with learning my lines that there's no room for other logical thinking processes!
Yay! I came second!
Story of my life.
On the subject of The Sixth Sense, I watched the extras on the DVD, and it was clear that if the film had gone out as originally intended, it would have been awful - and much easier to spot the twist ahead of the appropriate moment.
GILL comments...
I am honoured and delighted to win such a prestigious competition!
Another one please, I may be getting the hang of this!
Annoyingly I've just thought of another good one,
'Look up what Vader means in Dutch..'
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