I seem to have become something of a snow-magnet...
First, VENICE...
Then NEW YORK...
Now --- LONDON...

And, as the old song (almost) says, "There's no people like snow people!"

And you'll find another snowperson on button's blog.
Then NEW YORK...
Now --- LONDON...
And, as the old song (almost) says, "There's no people like snow people!"
And you'll find another snowperson on button's blog.
Images: Photos by Brian Sibley & David Weeks © 2009; Snow Wordle created by Brian Sibley with Wordle.
Ooh, you folks are getting the wet, sticky snow there!
Even though southern England is almost always milder than Western Pennsylvania, you've just gotten more snow all at once than we've gotten all at once since at least 2003, if not 1994. We tend to get a little every day, and it's never sticky enough to make snowmen out of.
Wekk, it was sticky but tonight it's turning slushy and slippery...
It's YOU! I wondered why we were so afflicted! It's following you all over the place - quick, leave the country again and give us back our roads and green bits!
No, don't go - we need you in this country thank you. Had enough of friends going overseas and ending up in hospital!
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