Time to say a big thank-you to all my readers (long standing and recently acquired) for all your topic-suggestions, photo-offerings, caption-competition-entries and the over 5,800 thoughts and comments that have turned this largely trivial blogspot into a community of friends having conversations about anything and everything!
And here, for your amusement, are the first month's postings of someone who, back in May 2006, was a newbie, rookie blogger!
Brian - Your blogs are always thought-provoking or funny or quirky or interesting or a combination of all four (or less!)!! But - one thing they are not is boring!! Long may your blogs continue!
Congratulations on a terrific blog. Very happy to have discovered it and I must say that you are a most considerate host, always responding to your "posters" with a reply to properly suit the moment.
Since your blog is four, I feel I should caution you not to let your blog have too much cake and ice cream or it might be difficult to put to bed and be somewhat cranky in the morning!
Well done, and keep the posts coming! I'm approaching my own 2 year anniversary, but don't have nearly the volume of posts. I aspire to your blogginess.
Happy Fourth Birthday, Brian! I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog once-upon-a-time, and doubly glad you graciously let me stick around!
Some fascinating posts there, Brian! Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now to go into it properly... I'm off for the weekend. Interesting to see the lack of comments at that time on postings one could react to quite a lot!
So, please Brian, not too much blogging over the next 4 days! I don't want to miss a bit!
Happy Blog-Birthday - you've given us so many fascinating blogs it's hard to believe it's only been for 4 years!
Hearty congratulations, Brian. You've provided us with a Blog that has become a way of life for so many.
Please do keep on Blogging (Suzanne can soon catch up!) and making us laugh, cry, smile, learn and occasionally lust.
Many happy returns of the blogday. Yours is still one of the best, because we never know what to expect.
Except for pictures of men in pants; we've grown to always expect that!
Happy Bloggiversary, Mr.S!
Happy blog birthday!
Just like your Ronald Searle talk, the posts are always authoritative and entertaining with a marvellous wide range of topics from the informative to the truly bizarre.
On the few days I’m worn out and simply too tired to stay up until midnight, my first thought is I’m to miss seeing what the latest post is about. Then again, it gives me something to look forward to over breakfast the next day.
Do I get any points for spotting that your first posts are actually from May 2006 and not 2007? I'm glad you're still blogging away Brian, as this is one of the best. A diverse and interesting topics of conversation (with an overall flavour of the artistic). Congratulations for reaching such a ripe age for a blog, and long may it continue! :)
Thank you all for your very generous comments!! :)
And, yes, ANDY, you're right: 4 from 10 is 6, NOT 7!! Now corrected...
Happy Birthday Brian's Blog!
Congrats Brian on a great blog being here this long! Out of all the blogs I follow yours is my favorite and the first that I read if there is a new posting. I have only been following for six months or so, but I hope to see the next four!
Congratulations Brian, your blog is wonderful, that is because I use to read it. I hope we can enjoy it for many years.
ELLIOT, GENO and EUDORA - Thank you for these and all your other comments!
Happy Birthday Blog !
Ugingle : What's left in the toilet the next morning after a particularly good birthday party.
Ta, Boll! :)
Heres to the next 4 years of happy blogging
With your skills as a photographer, Anne we need you to start a blog!
Many Happy Read Blogs of the Day
And let's face it, love, you've LIVED quite a lot of this blog!!!
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