Thursday 14 July 2011


Sixty-two today! But whatever became of this weird, geeky-looking little kid?

Oh, yes, of course... I remember...


Andy Latham said...

A very happy Birthday Brian! Many happy returns :D

SharonM said...

He turned into a delightful, talented adult!

Good Dog said...

I agree with Sharon. Looking at the photograph, what comes back is a delightful and talent adult filled with boundless enthusiasm for joyful subjects. I hope you have a really great day. Best wishes to you.

Matt said...

Happiest of birthdays to you, and all your un-birthdays as well!

Suzanne said...

Many happy returns Brian! Have a great day!
umace: a very large candle for a birthday cake, when you can't fit more than 60 candles!

Brian Sibley said...

After attending a great talk by the brilliant Steve Bell at the The Cartoon Museum last evening, I realise that I have the same 'mad left eye' as both Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair! Pray God I never acquire great power!! :)

The current exhibition at the Museum, Bell Epoque, ends on 24 July. There are special late night openings next week, ring for details: 0207 580 8155.

Geno said...

Happy Birthday my friend! I just pointed you out on the FOTR Appendices to my kids a few hours ago and they were pretty excited that someone on a "movie" knew who they were. Now I will have to tell them how old you are!

Sheila said...

Many Happy Returns from all at the Hippodrome!

scb said...

The road, and the years, go ever onward...

All best wishes on your birthday, Brian! May it be a day filled with love, laughter and all that you could wish for, and may the coming year hold all manner of good things for you.

WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! You could have been the Littlest Member of the House of Gryffindor! Love the cap and tie! :)

Boll Weavil said...

Have a great birthday Mr B.Nice to know tht sweet little lad fulfilled all his childhood promise!

Phil said...

He grew a beard?

Oh, sorry, you meant it as a RHETORICAL question!

Many happy returns!

Arts and Crafts said...

Few chages in this 62 years... well some changes, but I can recognize this boy of the old photo, few people have this... gift?

Steven Hartley said...

Happy belated birthday, Brian. Wish you all the luck!