Friday 15 June 2012


Staying loosely in Bradbury territory with the theme of science-fantasy and – in particular – space travel: a lover of retro design, I was captivated to come across these brilliant pastiche posters by Steve Thomas, inspired by 1920s travel posters...

Pure genius!

View Steve Thomas' Portfolio and visit his blog Rocket Tours.


Andy Latham said...

Brilliant! Just brilliant! I too love retro design like this. Thanks for sharing Brian :D

Beth Stilborn said...

These are WONDERFUL! Thank you for finding and sharing, Brian.

I'm particularly delighted that a woman is featured in the first one.

Snow White Archive said...

I love these! Just as I've always wanted space travel to look like...a retro view of the future. Seriously, thanks Brian for posting.

Boll Weavil said...

I'm sure they are Bradburyesque - I can see they would have had him scurrying for his typewriter and landing a rocket load of unfortunate characters in a situation on one of those planets without a clue what to expect.