Wednesday 18 June 2014

GOING FULL CYCLE: Caption Competition - THE RESULTS!

Maybe I'm losing my touch for picking quirky photos for my occasional caption competitions, certainly the most recent one garnered only a small number of entries. But, of course, it's quality not quantity that count and there was some smart and witty suggestions to go with this photo...

As David Weeks hadn't entered the competition (he says his entry never reached me!) I invited him to judge the anonymously-considered entries and here are –– THE RESULTS!


Roger O B:

For the Johnson family it was a real needle match.


Sebastian Hunt:

Seams like a perfectly normal family bike ride.


Michael Goldberg:

And this is how the Frankenstein monster was created and brought to life.


Michael Brett:

Standing room only.



Little girl: ‘Why am I the only one wearing pink?’

Man at the back: ‘How’s it going’. Man in front: ‘So-so!’

‘Champs Elysees, here we come!’

Boll Weavil:

Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best!

I’m just making an outfit for the premiere of The Illustrated Man. The theme, for some reason, is boxer shorts, just boxer shorts….

‘It’s no good, I still have all this hemming to do. You’ll have to go round Hyde Park corner again.’

‘After 300 yards, complete the cuff buttons then turn left onto the North Circular.’



Chap on left thinks, 'another few more dresses made and I'll be down to his weight.'

And so to -- THE WINNERS...

EDITOR'S CHOICE - Special Commendation

Matt Field:
'Get off the bike, Carrie, and show your Mum how to do a running stitch.'
Boll Weavil:  
‘It’s no good, I still have all this hemming to do. You’ll have to go round Hyde Park corner again.’ 



Chap on left says: 'Fortunately Mum's fads tend to be cyclical!'


Woman: ‘When you said would I like to come cycling with you and a singer, this wasn't quite what I had in mind!’

Congratulations to the winners, many thanks to all the entrants and to David for his adjudication!



Boll Weavil said...

Some good stuff there from everyone to say it was VERY difficult I thought !

Roger O B... said...

Expect a Steward's Enquiry from Ascot