Latest Sibley Health Update...
I spent the entire weekend in discomfort, thinking I had shingles, only to find (on finally managing to see a doctor last evening) that I have an allergic reaction to the blitz of back-to-back antibiotics with which I've been bombarded over the last three months – and beyond. As a result, I'm now covered in a very painful rash that – pardon the pun – is itching to be scratched 24/7. Pre-assessment for operation (and the op itself) are, once again, up for rescheduling.
Oh, yes, and I've got thrush in the mouth, making it difficult to eat, swallow and speak.
As Edward Lear might have limericked...
There was an Old Man from the South
Who found he had thrush in the mouth;
He said, "It's absurd,
To be stuck with a bird,
But it often occurs in the South."