Two Irish women overheard in my local park on Sunday...
1st Woman:I've given up the Mass... 2nd Woman: Yes, I know what you mean... Sometimes, when my grandson goes to confession, I'll go along and light a few candles; but what I say is, you really don't WANT Mass every single week...
Now there's a good idea. Maybe mass can become something that you get two seasons of a year, like Big Brother: normal BB in the summer, the celebrity version in the winter. You could have a season of going to Mass during Lent, and another during Advent. And the rest of the year, don't bother.
I know that, strictly, it's against the rules, the teachings of Cathol being so prescriptive when it comes to attendance, but there's a workaround - go to confession once before the start of the season, confess to having not attended for a while, and hey, you're back in.
Or don't even bother with that, because there's a wee get-out mantra that you mutter before going to communion anyway (Lord, I am no worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.)
But the nature of the religion is one big 'Get Out of Jail Free' card Mr B so presumably he WOULD be fooled by it. The only question is surely whether one really has the card to play or is just bluffing.
Now there's a good idea. Maybe mass can become something that you get two seasons of a year, like Big Brother: normal BB in the summer, the celebrity version in the winter. You could have a season of going to Mass during Lent, and another during Advent. And the rest of the year, don't bother.
I know that, strictly, it's against the rules, the teachings of Cathol being so prescriptive when it comes to attendance, but there's a workaround - go to confession once before the start of the season, confess to having not attended for a while, and hey, you're back in.
Or don't even bother with that, because there's a wee get-out mantra that you mutter before going to communion anyway (Lord, I am no worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.)
Personally, I've always doubted whether God would be fooled by such 'GET OUT OF JAIL FREE' cards...
But the nature of the religion is one big 'Get Out of Jail Free' card Mr B so presumably he WOULD be fooled by it. The only question is surely whether one really has the card to play or is just bluffing.
God knows.....
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