Monday, 11 February 2008


Overheard on Bankside...

1st Tourist:
Shakespeare's Globe...

2nd Tourist:
Amazing it's still here!


Boll Weavil said...

There was once a concept, here in Nottingham, of building an artificial old castle on the hill so that the tourists had something to look at instead of the country house that occupies the spot at present.Are tourists really that stupid or are we even more stupid for not encouraging them to appreciate history as it is rather than how they'd like it to be ?

Brian Sibley said...


Laurie Mann said...

On the one hand, being Shakespeare fans, we loved visiting the rebuilt Globe, even though we knew it was the most Disney-fied building we visited in England.

On the other hand,being history geeks, we found being in a 1,000 year old church in Salisbury or in the same cell where Sir Thomas More lived in the Tower of London to be a much more moving eperience.