St Valentine's Day
However, if you baulk at the astronomical increase in flower prices every February 14th or can't afford a really nice box of chocs for the One You Love, then worry not, because there are cheaper ways of expressing your affection...
And, if you simply want to give a token - but one that the recipient is unlikely to forget - then what could be better than... well... say... a jar of MARMITE... with... er... CHAMPAGNE?
Meanwhile, Valentine Day Love to...
Or you could be a cheap wad and wait until the day after when everything is cheap. :o)
Hi, Brian!!
CAFRINE!!! How ARE you? Where have you BEEN?? Welcome BACK!!!! :-))
GILL asks...
Because I am unbearably nosy, I just have to know about the notice behind David in the Valentine blog. Just what is it forbidding?
The pictogram seems to show something that looks like the Coliseum! I've tries to translate it into a no smoking sign but the picture doesn't make sense then.
Please put me out of my agony!
GILL - You nosy??
Anyway - to put you out of your agony - it is forbidding anyone from jumping across the gap between the vaporetto (water bus) stop, which is on a floating pontoon, and the side of the vaporetto (where David is sitting); the only permitted way on and off is by the entrance/exit - a sliding gate - at the point where the boat is properly aligned with the stop and securely moored.
Actually, although Brian is right in what he says about boarding vaporetti, the pictogram means that other boats, apart from a vaporetto, are forbidden to moor at a vaporetto stop, which this is.
Of course, David is right! Sorry to have mislead you!
Every now again you see a water taxi or a delivery barge attempt a drop-off or pick-up at one of these stops with the same kind of panicky urgency as a driver in the UK would display when attempting something similar on a road with double red-lines!
Brian, dear, this Valentine's day/vaporetto distraction is all very pleasant, but what about the really important stuff - like the caption competition.
Is it perhaps a case of all the entries being so wonderful (or not) that you just don't know who to award the prize of a week's holiday in Venice to?
LisaH, dear, you can read the competition results on SATURDAY!
And how nice (and generous) of you to donate a trip to Venice as a prize!! I think I'll enter!!! ;-)
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