Elliot spotted this sign on a toilet door on the ferry from Melbourne to Devonport and, he says, "I still have no idea what it means..."

Anyone got any helpful suggestions??
Added later...
Regular blog-reader JEN has solved the mystery! It is a PHOTOLUMINESCENT MUSTERSTATION SIGN (No. 6039, by the way) and, should you feel the need, you can buy one - at $5.50, a mere snip - from American Nautical Services, Inc!
The only mysery remaining is why anyone would decide to locate the MUSTER STATION in the ferry toilet. Maybe it's an Australian thing...
No helpful suggestions, but something immediately triggered a tune in my head:
Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Hitler...
(The arrows, it's the arrows!)
"Stupid boy!" ;-)
Well isn't it obvious..... it's where you muster go when you muster have a wee !!!! :D
Can't argue with that!!
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