Yes, it's three years since I started blogging and, as you'll see from
my first post it was scarcely an earth-shattering debut! I had intended to make this my last posting - if not for good then at least for a while - but, after
983, posts it seems a pity to stop so close (and yet so far) from a nice round
1000!So, I'll be going on for a week or two longer until that not-unimpressive total has been reached!
In the meanwhile, thanks to all my readers and comment-leavers who've kept me at it and made it more fun than I could have ever imagined.
You can't quit Brian! Sod all that work stuff and blog, blog, BLOG!!!
Happy blogday! I hope you're tempted to do a 1001st post :)
The blog must go on !
EIGNOV : An item discovered in a supermarket that you have just acquired a real taste for as it is discontinued.
Congratulations again!!
Happy Blogday!
Just think of the detrimental effect you stopping would have on us Brian Blogaholics. The NHS (and Spanish equivalent etc) might not be able to cope.
Ahhh - your first blog was kind of sweet - please keep ranting and raving (not that you do) - but perhaps reduce the scope of your blogs so that you've got more time to earn from your writing.
Your blog is one of the best - unpredictable, and always interesting.
I met you shortly after you started blogging, and expressed my surprise that someone who writes for a living would give away their words for free. I'm glad you do, and I'm glad you've kept at it. But heavens knows where you find the time!
Expogy: an attempt to give up online activity, inevitably doomed to failure due to the urge to write just one more post.
QUIT?!! Oh, I do hope not.
Perhaps not so often to wean us off gently?
Congratulations on three years of entertaining, fascinating, funny, informative & diverse blogging.
TRIBE: Group of SibleyBlog addicts
We're both celebrating a birthday at the same time. Hoorah!
Looking forward to the posts up to 1000 - and hopefully beyond!
Oh please don't stop! Despite having someone new in my life (yes! yes! yes!) I still enjoy reading your blog every morning and I shall suffer from withdrawal symptons if you abandon us!
zessent: the zest for life that one finds first thing in the morning after reading one's favourite blog
a very happy third blogday to you! I would like to say and here's to many more years to come.
To second what Phil said, your blog is one of the best around because there's no telling what the daily post content will be. Whatever it is, it's always interesting.
I hope you do reconsider and keep going. Many times I've kept the computer on until gone midnight to see what has taken your fancy that day. Usually it sends me to the bed with a smile (unless it's those freaky smiley kids, which had me check that the doors and windows were locked before I hid under the covers).
In these days of inane facebook comments or - even worse - twitter, I prefer to read what people are thinking about in an eloquent post rather than 140 characters of what they're doing.
Thanks for all the nice comments, folks, and for the encouragement to 'carry on'...
I'll write more about blogging and the future fate of this blog when we reach 1000 posts.
Meanwhile, special wishes today to SUZANNE (I knew something had been keeping you from us - glad it's a 'someone' and hope it's the beginning of much happiness) and to 'birthday boy' IAN, who (if I remember rightly) was the nagging force that started me blogging and was the first-ever person to leave a comment on this blog three years ago today.
Oh, how disappointing! I just discover your blog, and your wit, and your way with words, and you're going to stop blogging? Oh dear...
scb - I doubt it will vanish away completely... :-)
Incidentally, I enjoy your blogs, too!
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