The programme (in which I appeared as a contributor) proved so popular on its first transmission - 15% audience share or 1.9million viewers which is more than a million more viewers than the next most popular programme in that time slot - that it has been scheduled for a repeat on BBC FOUR tomorrow (Monday) evening at 19:30.
So, have the BBC got the message yet? SIBLEY = RATINGS! I bet they haven't!
And, after watching last night's TV marathon (or, at least, the final nine hours of it!), I've come up with a new prime-time unreality programme format: Has Andrew Lloyd Webber Got Talent?
CORRECTION: Oops! Obviously, the title of that programme should have read: Has Andrew Lloyd Webber Got Talent!
Any chance I could be teleported over to the UK in time to catch that Narnia special? I'd be glad to help prove the theory that Sibley = Ratings. Seems sound to me. Unfortunately I don't get BBC Any Number on my TV.
And I love your idea for a new reality show. I hooted with laughter when I read it. (I hope the neighbours can't hear me when I'm reading people's blog posts!)
Actually, I mustn't be too much of a grouch because Britain did better in the Eurovision Song Contest than in any year since whatever century it was in which we won with a number played on the flute and sackbut!
Poor scb, in what benighted part of the globe are you living that you are deprived the delights of the BBC?
scb lives in probably a beautiful part of the world called the Canadian Prairies. As long as he can receive the BBC World Service then he/she can survive perfectly well without TV ~ apart from 'The Apprentice', of course.
I'm just too er, frugal... yes, that's a good word... to spring for "premium channels". I could get BBC Canada, but I don't know quite what that would offer me. (Hmm, she thinks, I must look into this...)
Sorry, Brian, it's just me again. I've just read through the schedule for BBC Canada for the next seven days... not a sign of Narnia anywhere. However, if I wanted to watch five episodes of Eastenders on both Saturdays and Sundays, I'd be in luck.
Somehow *their* idea of why a person would want BBC Canada does not jibe with *my* idea. This would not be the first time this has occurred in my life.
If only you could have marshalled your blog devotees to vote for ALW in the same way as you did to get them to watch the Narnia Code, things could have been very different.... On second thoughts, it may just have descended into political voting with your fans boycotting any country that doesn't recognise Middle Earth or Narnia.
SHEARRUR: The appointment of a new manager or CEO on the basis of perceived loyalty rather than acumen or experience in the hope of inspiring success from chaos in a multi-million pound industry - example Newcastle FC
DAVID - How did you guess correctly where scb lives? Spooky! You're not a magician are you...? ;-)
scb - There are, I am sure, those who would disagree with me, but, yes, EastEnders would not (on its own) provide me to with sufficient incentive to lay out my hard-earned Canadian $. Of course, as David says, if the subscription included The Apprentice...
BOLL - Do you think that Middle-earth would always politically vote for Narnia? And that Wonderland and Neverland would tend towards being totally unpredictable?
I've got the perfect idea for a new TV show - 'Brian's Got Talent'.
Hmmm... I think David's been looking at my blog! Either that or he *is* a magician...
I second Sharon's sggestion of "Brian's Got Talent!"
Perhaps there should be a program somewhere devoted to "regagoba", which, I believe, is a little known offshoot of reggae only popular in the Gobi Desert...
Of course (if you've looked at his blog) you'll know that he is a magician!
'Regagoba'? Sounds interesting - maybe the National Geographic channel ought to look into it...
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