Monday 13 May 2013


Absolutely not! 

After seven years of blogging: the Sibley blog and its readers remain as devotedly faithful as ever!



SharonM said...

Many Happy & Healthy Blogday to you, Brian - looking forward to many more to come.

I wonder, by way of celebration, if there will be a caption competition soon - or men in pants.

Phil said...

Good grief, where does the time go? I met you shortly after you started blogging. Can it really be seven years?

Have you ever counted up the words, to see how many books' worth of writing you've given away for free? No, on second thoughts, don't do that. Just keep up the good work!

Utesbu Manu: Tarzan's phrase for "keep on writing".

Beth Stilborn said...

Wishing you the happiest of blogthdays, Brian! I am so grateful that I stumbled upon this blog a few years ago -- not only have I enjoyed reading your blog enormously, but I've gained a dear friend. Thank you!

Wishing you many, many more blogthdays, and looking forward to celebrating them with you!

Arts and Crafts said...

7 years?!... Are you sure?... Yes, you must be sure, now I`m close to need reading glasses.. I didn't need it when I started with your blog... :/

Boll Weavil said...

I'll second Sharon M's comment - it's been a while ! Carry on blogging Mr B. 'The reading of a good blog is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries' (Descartes)

Woman on a Raft said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for all the intriguing posts and especially those which showed cultural connections which I'd never have known otherwise.

docnad said...

Congratulations on seven years of wonderful blogging! You have been a real inspiration.