Sunday 11 June 2006


The regular reader of this blog --- sorry, the WHAT? --- will notice it has been given a make-over... OK, well, basically, I just chose a new blogger template! This 'face-lift' - or is that too grand an expression? - is simply aimed at making it slightly easier to read since, at my age, print seems to be constantly getting smaller!

Oh, yes, and I’ve also started a NEW blog which will contain, as it’s title explains, Just Stories so they can be read without having to wade through all my other mental meanderings. All of which is more than enough effort for a day when the temperature in London is already 29º and rising…


Unknown said...

I like the new look - it's cleaner and less fuddy duddy than the old one. Good choice.

Brian Sibley said...

Astrid e-mails to say: 'I am really missing the "classical original outfit" of your blog, the nice pastel background and the "curved" writing of the "title" which helped to identify it as YOUR blog at once....'

So, there we are: one for; one against...