Wednesday 3 November 2010


You know how it is at weddings: everyone feels an overwhelming compulsion to take photos and most of them – sometimes including those of the professionals – turn out to be pretty unremarkable other than as aide-memoires of a (hopefully) happy day!

When David and I went to our friends Becky and Graeme's wedding the other week, we clicked off just such a crop of undistinguished snaps, hindered during the ceremony itself by the fact that we were shooting into the dazzling light that spilled into the room from the Thames-side vista outside.

So, how very, very lucky I was to grab this completely unposed picture of the radiantly beautiful bride...

Click to view at larger sizes

You can view more of my pictures on my flickr Photostream.

Images: © Brian Sibley 2010


SharonM said...

That's a fabulous photo, Brian.

Roger O B... said...

"David Bailey?"

RASTM: Become a worshipper of Haile Sellasie

Boll Weavil said...

Great pic ! I can't imagine another photo on the day capturing anything as well.

David Weeks said...

Herb Ritts eat your heart out!

Brian Sibley said...

Aw, gawsh...:)