The work of my friend ELLIOT COWAN has been featured on this blog before and among the links in the side-bar you'll find one to his blog-site entitled...

Now, from time to time, in Elliot's sandwichbag, you'll encounter two wonderfully subversive little characters, BOXHEAD & ROUNDHEAD, who are, I believe, deserving of national (and, indeed, international) fame!
So, to mark the day on which all of us in the UK have put the clocks back (you did all remember, didn't you?) and winter time with its attendant nightshades descends upon our land, here is one of Boxhead & Roundhead's Stressful Adventures...
In the Dark
You'll find more of Boxhead & Roundhead's delightfully dotty exploits and Elliot's animation if you follow the links on YouTube.

As a nanny, I spend a lot of time trying to draw and paint with my little charges. Which bothers me in a way because I reckon that apart from flowers and trees, I'm a rotten "artist".
This just goes to show that you don't actually have to be able to draw to be an "artist"!!!
This being said, I hate this business of putting the clocks back or forward (especially forward!) - what electricity you don't use in the morning, you use in the evening and vice versa... ridiculous!
GILL comments...
Thank you (and the very talented animator) for making me laugh out loud on a grey damp morning!
Great start to the day!
Loved the animatiion - thanks Elliot.
Thanks so much for this plug.
How very nice of you.
I'll be back in London in a few weeks and I'll thank you in person.
Suzanne - Obviously your heart is in the right place so I can't get too stroppy, but I can assure you that I draw rather well!
Of course you can, Elliot! You're bloody marvellous... :-)
You should write something for me to add some illustrations to, Brian.
Yes, well, maybe I WILL!!
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