However, a house up the road from us has a fig tree in its garden and, with the onset of autumn, has started dropping its yellowed leaves onto the pavement.
Now, these particular leaves are rather stunning specimens, suggesting that some fig trees may well have been available for Adam --- had he required rather more generous coverage.
This fact is ably demonstrated for us here by David who is modelling a souvenir from Florence, Italy - home of Another David:
GILL comments...
Yet more smut I see! (Well actually, I don't quite see, but the suggestion is there.)
David is far too old to be sucking his fingers - and I simply refuse to indulge you in any furtherance of that thought.
Bring back high-minded discussion please, or I shall have to speak to the Duchess.
Sorry, ma'am...
O dear, I must agree with the previous correspondent. Too often this site, which I always consider to be a place for intelligent and high-minded individuals, descends into mere filth for the sexual gratification and titilation of a minority.Lets have some more of those nice gentlemen in the bath.Some good clean entertainment rather than photographs of buns for two days running.....
Nah, carry on Brian (and David) we all need a bit of fun in our lives.
Absolutely Lisah! Bet you don't give a fig Brian.....
de rigeur here in Brighton.
You ought to produce a Calendar.
That's quite a big leaf...
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