Fortunately, my good friend JEN has come to my defence by giving me a couple more examples of the way in which this ghastly disease is taking hold...
For example, Scottish artist Iain Hetherington has added them to several of his works such as this one, Welcome Alien...

Deny it if you like, but I say those eyes definitely follow you round the room...
If you have the nerve, you can look up some of the artist's other googly-eyed portraits on
I have further appalling evidence to place before you, but I am, frankly, too shaken to write any more at the present and it will have to wait until another day when I am a little calmer...
Meanwhile, I hope you will now believe me when I say that the secret vice of sticking sticky-eyes on stuff is rife!
Image: © Iain Hetherington
Eye can see an exhibition by this artist becoming the focal point of any gallery and inspiring generations of pupils to follow his example.It would give them something to focus on - white an eyechievent and Im sure there are others who, like myself, would be willing to raise their glasses to him.
Lens a quid till Saturday !
(I think I deserve 50 lashes for the most puns in the shortest time - almost the blink of an eye you might say)
And, as luck would have it, I just happened to come across the chapter in Tom Cutler's book "211 things a bright boy can do" (yes I bought that one too!) - "How to make googly eyes" - oh dear....
BOLL - 50 lashes? EYE-lashes, I take it!
SUZANNE - And does Tom tell you where to stick them - if you SEE what I mean?
What a punderful response to Brian's Blog, Boll Weavil. In terms of pun bloggers I would think that you must be out of sight on your own at the moment. In fact you've probably cornead the market and moved the punophobics to tears.
And thanks should be due to Brian as well, for lifting the lid on that creepy styel of artwork.
Thanks, it's always fun to see new (to me) unusual art. Sadly (or thankfully, maybe) I don't understand most of Iain's work; but I really like "Imagine You Are At".
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