Wednesday 21 August 2013


After a year of domestic upheavals and sojourns in hospital, it's time to relax with a little sun and sea on our favourite Greek island, Kalymnos...

This will be our twelfth annual visit and, as readers of this blog may remember, I have a ritual that is unerringly observed: when we arrive at Artistico taverna in Emporios, I take off my watch, pull out the winder and it stays off until it's time to return to reality...

 And, of course, Snoopy is always glad to give his little arms a rest!

While we are away (and probably not able to blog efficiently) I will be leaving you with a few Greek Pick of the Pixs to amuse you...


SharonM said...

I hope that you and your nurse (and I don't mean Buttons) have a lovely, relaxing, recuperative time, Brian

Boll Weavil said...

and to make us jealous no doubt ! It looks fabulous. Hope you both have a really great time :-)