Episode 17 of the 1981 BBC radio dramatisation of The Lord of the Rings was broadcast forty years ago on this day. In 'The Window on the West' Frodo and Sam meet Faramir and are taken to Henneth Annûn, the secret Gondorian outpost in North Ithilien, hidden in a cave behind the protecting veil of a great west-facing waterfall. Artist Eric Fraser featured this location in this original piece of
art created for Radio Times; however, it never appeared in print.
As with the last two week's illustrations, an industrial dispute at the Radio Times printing-works forced the magazine to edit this issue to an 'emergency' issue with fewer illustrations and limited programme details. This is was the last week in which the magazine was impacted by the dispute and this is the third and final hitherto unseen Fraser illustrations to be belatedly published here.