Inspired by Tom McCarthy's Man Booker Prize shortlisted novel
C (but
following on with almost spooky synchronicity from our recent meme on
Alphabetical book titles)
AbeBooks.co.uk are currently offering for sale a list of books with titles that are nothing more than a single initial letter of the alphabet.
There are more than you might suppose...

...and are very probably worth keeping in mind for tricksy memes and demonic pub quizzes – as indeed are a few others that ran to all of two or three letters...
great graphic blog.Good to see a variety of covers bucking cover art trends.
Reminds me of the Alphabet song from Sesame St....'A' You're Adorable....
perhaps better sung by Dean Martin!
TOFIBLED Caught out telling porkie pie
Hello, Jen! How nice of you to visit! It's been too long. Hope you and Himself are well and thriving...
Thanks for the Alphabet Song: cute clip! :)
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