Any comments you post, therefore, may be delayed rather longer than usual - at least, until Mr W gets round to seeing them and approving them. But, sooner or later, it will be done!
I'm not really sure if this note ought to count as a 'genuine' post in the run up to 1000 posts - or whether, maybe, I'll now have to delay suspending the blog until 1001!!
I hope that means that you've had conf. that you're going in tomorrow.
Why not keep writing the blogs whilst you decide if this one counts.
No... No confirmation yet. Just assuming...
Congratulations on your 3rd blogobirthday and all the very best for tomorrow (Positive thinking: you will soon be tucked up in a hospital bed).
I'm reluctant to add to the pressure for you to continuing to blog - after all, you have the work and we have the pleasure - but can only add to the voices of your other bloggees. We would very much miss our regular fix and hope you can find a way to continue without feeling the pressure so much or losing any enjoyment from the writing.
Something to think about during your post-op recuperation ...
Hope all goes well at the hospital, Mr.S, and I look forward to your return.
And happy bloggiversary!
Best of luck Brian! There's one thing to say about having a blog...you have plenty of people with their fingers crossed for you!
Thanks, again, Guys and Gals...
I've just had the OK that there's a bed awaiting me at 6:30 am tomorrow...
"This is Orthopaedic Admissions..." said the chap on the phone.
"Not Orthopaedic..." I replied.
"Er... No... Sorry... General Surgery Admissions."
Let's just hope they the mark relevant part of my body before they get their knives out.
Brian, I hope everything goes very well and look forward to hearing your hospital adventure when you're back.
Just make sure that as you're going under Buttons doesn't loom over you wearing a surgical mask.
I'll be thinking of you, Brian - just remember that all being well it will soon be behind you (which, admittedly is a rather strange place for a hernia to be).
Good vibes from far away Switzerland!
Thanks, again!I admit to being absolutely terrified and am a shameful coward! Just hope that by this time tomorrow I'll be wondering why I was so worried.
I really appreciate everyone's best wishes - it's great having so many caring and supportive friends. Hurrah for Bogsville!
I just came to wish you the very best and noticed the wonderful typo at the end of the last comment! How amazingly adequate! "Bogsville"!!!
All the best and come back blogging soon!
rhespl: very often the first word to escape one's lips when coming round after anesthesia
I've left the typo there for the enjoyment of posterity -- or posteriorty!
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