It is now time for your Lordship to leave the Boardroom for a few hours and visit some of the other 'reality' TV shows currently obsessing the Great British Public.
You would be doing a incalculable service to human-kind if you could confront the following annoyingly talentless space-wasters...

...and simply deliver your customary two-word judgment that, for all of them (and for the sanity of the rest of us), is now seriously overdue––
The only programme out of the four I watch these days is Strictly, though from all I've heard about the 'X' Factor and I'm a Celebrity (?), you're spot on.
As far as the Right Honourable AW is concerned, I did enjoy watching her comedy turn for the first few weeks, but the novelty wore off a long time ago.
There was a time when in television terms the initials LCD stood for liquid crystal display. Sadly it now seems to mean lowest common denominator
I so agree with you all about the "honourable" Ann. Will she do the honourable thing, like John Sergeant before her? As Len would say "she is beginning to get on my wick".
The "comedy" touch wore off weeks ago...
Ok...so being from across the pond I have NO idea who these three are, but the top one (aside from having a passing resemblance to Dame Edna) is wardrobe challenged and the bottom one is not rockin' the cowboy thing either.
You have to excuse Wagner as he is an anti-hero with his continued presence due only to the same people who put Rage Against the Machine at the top of the pops last year- people dedicated to the destruction of the shows influence. As to the others,celebrities like politicians only exist because we allow them to and in both cases, we get what we deserve.
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