When I blogged for the first time on 14 May 2006, I would never have imagined that I would still be blogging (on several different blogs!) five years later. In fact, I doubted I'd make it to the end of a week!
But here we are 1,317 posts and 33,9895 hits later and it is time to say a big thank you to everyone who follows or reads this blog, leaves comments, enters competitions and sends photos and ideas of things to blog about. Without you, I'd have never lasted five months let along five years!
Here's to the next half decade!
Happy 5th Blogday!
Having quit my blog last Monday, a couple of months shy of its fifth anniversary, I can only offer my congratulations for getting this far and having the stamina to carry off.
I look forward to the next five and beyond.
Brian, dear.....I am impressed........5 years....what an accomplishment.
Congrats....and, if you'll pardon my saying so.....MORE!
Congratulations and Happy 5th Blogday! I love your posts - keep them coming. :)
Congratulations for this 5 years Brian. I think that I have been visited your blog since 2007, late 2007...a pleasure for me, a wonderful blog.
It's we who should thank you for five years of interesting insights into the world of entertainment.It makes it much easier to get up in the morning !
"Happy Blogday to you,
Happy Blogday to you,
Happy Blogday, to Brian Sibley: the blog.
Happy Blogday to you."
How about that? Happy 5th Blogday, Brian. Keep them coming. ;-)
Wow! Congratulations. It seems like only yesterday we were talking about the "advantages" of blogging. Where did 5 years go?
Wow five years! That's some achievement Brian, I don't think many have lasted that long. Here's to the next five years - keep blogging as this is one of the few interesting things to read on the internet! :D
Many happy returns on a great blog . Brian, with many more to come i hope
Thanks, folks!
Good Dog – I'm very sorry that you're stopping blogging, but (as James Bond said before Justin Bieber) never say never again!
Ian – Back then, I was on the right side of 60 and you on the right side of 50! It was your birthday gift to me (on your birthday!) back in 2006 to nudge me into starting a blog. So we owe it all to YOU and it was great, last night, to be able to celebrate your latest birthday! Very many happy returns!
Happy Blogday, Brian! Or should that be 'slogday' which is what I sometimes think mine becomes - even though I wouldn't be without it!
Congrats my friend! I found your blog quite randomly about two years ago and recognized your name from the LOTR appendices disks and have faithfully followed since. Keep it up!
Wow! Congratulations Brian. A fantastic accomplishment. Looking forward to many more years.
Happy blogday! I may not comment much but I am reading!
Congratulations Brian!
Five years is a milestone in the blogosphere :)
Huge congratulations and thanks Brian. For many of us, your Blog is the first thing we check out each day.
Long may it continue to flourish!
More thanks due! :) Your enthusiasm, everyone, is much appreciated!
Welcome home, Sharon, how was the trek?
The Trek was wonderful. The weather in Latvia and Lithuania, which hadn't been good until the morning of our arrival, was beautiful until our last day or so and the trek was really interesting.
Now, I'm back in dreich Glasgow, nursing repaired feet and madly itching bites.
Hope you are both well.
How blogging fantastic that you're still at it five years on. Keep up the good work, and happy blogday!
Congratulations, and many happy returns of the (Blog)day!
I can't believe I missed this! I only saw it now because I was scrolling through David's blog!
I am so glad you are still blogging, my friend, and I am so grateful to be able to call you friend.
Here's to five more years! and more and more...
Thanks, SCB, belated appreciation is always greatly appreciated! :)
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