Monday 2 April 2007


Our friends were giving a dinner party for first-time guests.

The hostess had gone off to the kitchen to fetch the desert: her speciality - sticky toffee pudding.

In her absence, her young son confided to the guests that they were about to enjoy the family's favourite afters.

"How nice," smiled one of the guests indulgently.

"Yes," said the boy innocently, "it's called stiffy cocky pudding..."

Out of the mouths of babes and, as they say, sucklings...


Unknown said...

Reminds me of the anecdote told in the latest "Empire" - about Alfred Hitchcock being given a cake on set for his birthday and shouting out "Who wants some Hitchcake cock?"

Brian Sibley said...

Ian - Thanks, that's funny! You can just hear him saying it in those slow, measured tones and with a completely straight face...

Scrooge - Well, all I can say is, thank heavens we've still got you as a bastion of good taste and refinement to prevent the whole thing from going down the tubes! D'you still read VIZ, by the way?! ;-))

Anne said...

Wow, you British sure have some unusual foods. LOL ;D

Good Dog said...

Apologies for taking it lower but back when I was a kiddie, it was once announced that we were having "lemon turd cart" for dessert. Very nice.

Anne said...

Oh goodness, I hope you weren't offended when I said you brits eat strange things. I was kidding. You see, we on the other side of the pond like a little stiffy cocky every once in a while too, but we usually like it plain, not made into pudding. HaHa! Hope you're doing well.

Brian Sibley said...

No, not offended, Anne, I just overlooked publishing your comment for some reason...

It's there now (fourth from the top) along with your saucy second comment!! ;-)