Monday 31 October 2011



...and, since 31 October is, by custom, a time for trick-or-treating, here is a little tricky-treat from me to you: a piece of vintage Sibley radio, first broadcast on BBC Radio 3 thirty-two years ago on Halloween night 1979.

Talk of the Devil is an anthology of prose and poetry which I compiled in commemoration of the life and times (and heinous works) of Lucifer, Prince of Darkness.

The readers were Judy Parfitt, Robert Eddison (both of whom later appeared in my first Gormenghast dramatisation) and Brian Carroll and the programme was produced by veteran drama director, Graham Gauld...

Images of His Infernalness by Goya and Dore


SharonM said...

I look forward to hearing it - probably from under the duvet cover, mind.

ArteyOficios said...

Have a terrific night!!...

Tomorrow is time to remember those who left us... I never go to church, except for cultural reasons, but tomorrow perhaps.... this are the consequences of being away from home.

Happy Halloween and happy All Saints Day.

Beth said...

Oh, Brian... this is deliciously spooky! Perfect Halloween listening!

I have just tagged you in a meme -- yes, a meme. A thoughtful meme, over on my writing blog. And I think, from now on, I'll sign from that blog (hoping to encourage you over to it...)

Here's the link to the meme, but clicking the link on my name will work just as well...

The Beth formerly known as SCB

Boll Weavil said...

I recorded this when it was first repeated in 1981 and had it on tape for many moons.Its great to hear it again. This, I guess, was from the 31st October 1979 broadcast.

Brian Sibley said...

SharonM – What a woos you are!

Sacra – I agree: we should remember (in or out of prayer) All Souls and be thankful (in or out of church) for All Saints!

Boll – My dear old friend! What a treasure you are: if you hadn't archived my programme and magically turned an ancient cassette into a modern mp3 file, I wouldn't have been able to have shared the programme! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I wonder whether the notion of a fallen angel is an implicit underestimate of God? I would imagine that to know God in the way that an angel does would make loving Him inevitable.