And that was never more true than of a little book of "manners for the multitude" first published in 1907 and entitled NEVER - Never Complain, Never Explain, Never Do Anything Eccentric.
Written by Walter Emanuel, this amusing little pocket book has witty illustrations by the great cartoonist, illustrator and poster artist John ('Skegness is So Bracing') Hassall.
Among the pieces of useful etiquette are such indispensible pearls of wisdom as:
However dull a dinner-party may be, never produce a book from your pocket, prop it up against a candlestick, and begin reading it - even though this may lead to your never being asked to that house again.
If a fish-bone sticks in your throat at dinner, on no account make a fuss. Quietly ask for a cat. When she is brought to you, open your mouth as wide as possible, and let puss insert her head and body and she will soon fetch out the obstruction. Care should be taken to keep a firm hold of the hind legs, as the entire disappearance of the cat may lead to a fit of coughing and no gentleman draws attention to himself.
Be neighbourly. If a dead cat be discovered in your garden, throw it back over the wall. If you get a letter from the next-door people denying that the cat was theirs, write a polite note saying that they may keep it all the same.
Never wear motor-goggles when riding on a motor-bus. It is considerd pretentious.
Never draw attention to yourself. Especially if you are a pick-pocket.
If a lady drops her purse, not only pick it up, but return it to her.
And my personal favourite...
Do not omit to take a menu away with you. It may help the Coroner.
[Never is published in facsimile by Copper Beech Gift Books]
Er... are you sure you meant the Dairy of a Nobody?!!! I think that title probably belongs to a minor character in The Archers...
Oh, Moo... :-(
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