"Distance has the same effect
on the mind as on the eye."
- Samuel Johnson
on the mind as on the eye."
- Samuel Johnson
The photographer responsible for this wonderful picture is unknown to me (if you know, tell me and I'll give credit where credit is due), but if you like it, then you need to explore one of the great sites on the www.

The World Wide Panorama, is filled with the most amazing vistas of beautiful, bizarre, romantic, ordinary, extraordinary and unlikely places that can be viewed from every conceivable angle!
You can visit and re-visit and always find somewhere new on the globe to wonder at --- and there's no need for a passport or vaccinations, and no worries about reduced baggage allowances or increased APD!
So, off you go and BON VOYAGE!!
Mind-blowing photo! Although when I saw the title of today's article, I have to say I was thinking along completely different lines. Oh well, c'est l'amour!
Like Suzanne, I was thinking along different lines (sic) when I saw the title. Amazing photo, and clearly the photographer is able to levitate, so he can join our gang :)
Thanks Brian for passing this along. With my love of geography and of beautiful pictures, I will likely spend hours on here!
What an amazing picture! It made me a bit dizzy though. :p
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