Monday 26 November 2007


No wonder the nation's spelling is so appalling: the very first sign kids visiting Brighton Pier see is this one...

Interesting that they don't spell doughnuts donuts (as in Dunkin' Dittos) - but then, of course, if they did douglicious wouldn't make any sense!

AND then they add insult to injury with "Brighton up your day..."!

I blame Homer Simpson myself...


Boll Weavil said...

...exactly Mr B. As if anyone's day WOULD be brightened by going to Brighton ! If it wasn't for the constant TV crews visiting, I doubt it would be still going at all :-)

SharonM said...

Maybe it was in tribute to the lyrics "Doughnut forsake me oh my darling" from the memorable song in High Noon.
Wonder if anyone has thought of calling a hairdressing salon/barbers 'Hair Today Gone Tomorrow' yet.

Brian Sibley said...

For the general information of readers, it is worth noting that BOLL WEAVIL (a normally well-balanced and agreeable gent) has a strongly allergic reaction to Brighton that, frankly, verges on the neurotic! ;-)

LisaH - No such salon has YET been reported to this blog, but, somewhere, surely... Meanwhile, here are some other well-named salons!